Jazz Class

West End Camp Dance

Jazz Classes

Jazz dance is a dynamic and expressive style that combines technical precision with rhythmic movements and high-energy routines. Perfect for all ages and abilities, it encourages creativity, improves coordination, and builds strength. With influences from ballet and modern dance, jazz fosters versatility, making it ideal for performers seeking vibrant, engaging choreography.

Bronze Jazz

A foundation class introducing basic jazz techniques and movements. This class emphasizes rhythm, body coordination, and beginner-level choreography. Ideal for students starting their jazz journey.

Class Info

Duration: 30 Mins

Days: Tuesday

Time: 04:30pm - 05:00pm

Silver Jazz

A step up from Bronze, this class refines techniques and introduces more complex routines, focusing on transitions, expression, and musicality to build confidence and style.

Class Info

Duration: 30 Mins

Days: Tuesday

Time: 06:15pm - 06:45pm

Gold Jazz

Advanced beginner-level classes where students develop intricate routines and enhance their technical proficiency, preparing for more intermediate performance opportunities.

Class Info

Duration: 30 Mins

Days: Tuesday

Time: 06:45pm - 07:15pm

Intermediate Jazz

This level integrates advanced choreography, emphasizing speed, precision, and performance skills. Perfect for students seeking to expand their abilities and stage presence.

Class Info

Duration: 45 Mins

Days: Tuesday

Time: 06:45pm - 07:30pm

Advanced Jazz

Designed for experienced dancers, this class challenges participants with professional-level techniques and demanding routines, focusing on strength, artistry, and mastery of the jazz style.

Class Info

Duration: 45 Mins

Days: Tuesday

Time: 06:00pm - 06:45pm

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